Mynurva Blog

Which vitamins and minerals help reduce stress and why?

Written by Mynurva | January 24 2018

The 5 a day diet  – 5 portions of fruit and vegetable a day is a good start to reducing stress by eating well as this will contain high levels of:

  • Magnesium
  • B Vitamins
  • Vitamin C


Magnesium helps to relax muscles and reduce anxiety.

Good food sources of magnesium are leafy green vegetables, beans, brown rice, oats and other whole grains.  Nuts – hazelnuts, peanuts and brazil nuts are a high source of magnesium.

Non-food sources include Epsom salts in a warm bath. These contain magnesium that can be absorbed through your skin, and the warm bath will also help you relax.

B Vitamins 

B Vitamins help you feel more energetic and cope better during times of stress.

Good food sources of B1 vitamins include bananas, nuts, seeds, meat,  fish, dairy products and leafy green vegetables.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has many important functions in the body. One is the production of stress hormones.

Vitamin C is found in citrus fruit such as oranges, but also in potatoes. tomatoes, peppers, kiwi fruit, leafy green vegetables, broccoli and other coloured vegetables and fruit.

So a healthy 5 a day diet with plenty of fruit and vegetable will help reduce stress.