Mynurva Blog

How to Calm Anxiety? 5 Helpful Tips

Written by Mynurva | June 04 2021

Worries and stress are part of everyday life, but sometimes life can feel a bit out of control and overwhelming. Finding a way to stay calm and level-headed can be challenging during these times.

Many anxiety calming techniques are available online; some of the more complex techniques like breathing exercises and guided meditation are simple, such as taking a short break or going for a walk.

One important thing to understand is that not everything will be effective for everyone; what works for you may not work for your friend and vice versa. The effect of these anxiety calming techniques may depend on what level of anxiety you have and your situation.

Here are our top five actionable and straightforward tips to help ease anxiety and keep you calm.


1. Deep breathing

You probably hear this a lot of time, but deep breathing is one of the best ways to calm ourselves. Now when we say deep breathing, it doesn’t have to be a complex breathing exercise. You can simply take two to three deep breaths.

Sometimes when we are stressed and worried, we forget to breathe correctly. We take a short and quick breath, leading to an increased heartbeat, and you physically will feel rushed, which causes even more stress and anxiousness. As soon as you realise that you feel a little overwhelmed, simply take a step back and focus on inhaling and exhaling; this will help you slow down and recentre your mind.


2. Distraction strategy

Keeping your focus away from the primary source of anxiety can help you recentre your mind and thoughts. When you’re suffering from anxiety, you are likely having all kinds of thoughts in your head; most are just made-up scenarios and stories. When this happens, you may find yourself feeling distressed, unfocused, and having uncontrollable worries. This is when you need to apply a practical and actionable distraction strategy.

You can do several simple things; one of the most familiar steps in the 3-3-3 rule. This is when you look around and name three things you hear, feel and see around you. It can be, for instance, the sound of your pets’ soft snores or the sound of a clock ticking in the background. This will make you pause and bring you back to the present moment.

Another very effective method is to listen to your favourite music or watch something funny. Take a 10-minute break from the source of stress, if that be work, school projects, social media, or anything else, make yourself your favourite drink and watch or do something you enjoy. This will help you relax, recharge and even help you rethink your next step.

Additionally, you can choose to take a walk outside, play with your pets, do some stretching exercises, and or other simple things you enjoy.


3. Talk to someone

Sometimes just talking to someone can help you see things more clearly.

When you feel that things are getting a little overwhelming, pick up your phone and call someone; it can be your friends, family members, or anyone you are comfortable around. Explain your situation and get their opinion. Hearing other people's thoughts or simply letting out our worries and frustrations can help us feel a little calmer.

This can also be one of the ways to fact-check your thoughts. During anxiety, you will have a lot of thought in your head; some may be true, whereas others may be just made-up scenarios that can be very harmful. Talking to someone about these thoughts and fact-checking can bring us back to reality.


4. Try mini meditation

A short 3–5-minute meditation is another method used often to keep calm. There are many guided meditations available online that can help ease anxiety, or you can simply meditate by yourself. Simply sit down somewhere quiet and comfortable and start by taking a couple of deep breaths. Slow down to your regular breathing pattern and focus on your breath moving in and out of your body.

Aromatherapy, alongside meditation, for instance, lighting your favourite candle or burning you a fragrance oil, can also please your sensation, which can help ease your stress and worries.


5. Sip on warm and comforting drinks

Green and herbal teas such as Jasmine, chamomile, mint tea, and more are known to treat depressions, reduce blood pressure, and use as a sleep aid as they possess some calming properties. Simply holding and sipping on a pleasant-smelling tea can help ease tension and feel more at ease, which reduces anxiety.


Bonus tip- Your diet and lifestyle are also a big part of your mental health. Having balanced and nutritional food and exercising at least two to three times per week can help. Keeping fit and healthy is known to help improve our everyday mood, sleep better, avoid illnesses and generally be more physically and mentally strong.

We hope these five tips can help you calm your anxiety. If this has been helpful for you and you know someone who will benefit from these tips, please remember to share with them. Additionally, if you or someone you know is looking for someone to talk to about anxiety or stress, Mynurva therapists are available any time to suit your busy schedule; find out more here.