Mynurva Blog

How Brexit is affecting our mental health

Written by Mynurva | October 01 2019

There’s no way to escape hearing about Brexit. The current political situation is causing discomfort to those who hate uncertainty and suffer from stress. If only the mention of the word Brexit is sending your stress levels soaring, you are not alone. Anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks or stress have been some of the symptoms reported in relation to Brexit.

Read our tips on how to decrease the negative effects that Brexit can have on your health.

Focus on the positive

‘No deal Brexit’. We are not going to talk politics – promise! However, it is worth noting that most of the news we have been exposed to in recent months have been related to worst case scenarios. ‘No deal Brexit’ and therefore the number of companies leaving the UK, the number of jobs that are going to be lost, food shortages… you get the picture, don’t you?

This possibility is constantly being discussed on the news. However it is not the only one, right? Try to focus on the positive side of things. We are all being bombarded with the scary consequences, but you shouldn’t panic unnecessarily over such speculations.

The best thing to do is to be critical with this wave of information and take a more considered approach by doing further research on how Brexit might impact you personally.

Disconnect yourself

Your deadlines at work, the list of bills to pay, making sure your kids get used to the new school, your relative being ill… The causes of stress could be many, but if you add external factors like Brexit to the list, the combination could be really damaging. What then, is the solution to stop Brexit making you feel so stressed?

Allocate time for watching the news. Most of the stress comes from what is being reported on the news, and the best way to decrease the effect that this has on your stress levels is to limit it to certain hours during the day. So, give yourself dedicated time in the day when you don’t read Brexit news, avoid this especially before going to sleep.

Don’t spend too much time checking your phone. Doing this constantly can trigger episodes of anxiety. Remember that not all the information that you see, (especially on social media), is true. So, why should you bother about inflammatory comments that may not come to pass? Switch off and relax!

Change how you see things

Try to approach Brexit-related challenges calmly and pragmatically. Identify the problems it could pose and then think of potential solutions – write them down and plan accordingly. Taking this problem-solving approach removes some of the emotion from the situation and promotes a logical way of thinking, which is what you need!

It is important to bear in mind that when it comes to Brexit, nothing is set in stone. The situation is changing daily, so while research and preparation are wise, you should be careful not to catastrophise the potential outcomes.

Train your mind

When it comes to emotions, training is key. To achieve the best results, we sometimes need to turn to those who can help us. Talking to a friend, a relative and laughing about the situation is normally a good remedy.

If this is not helping, you could seek professional advice to help you cope. Remember that we are registered therapists that offer support through video. So, no need to travel or wait months for an appointment.