Mynurva Blog

Feeling unmotivated? Tips on how to get back in charge of your future

Written by Mynurva | May 25 2018

Sometimes we may forget where we want to be. We get used to our everyday routine, some of us may start to get comfortable. This can happen to the best of us. However, it is your attitude to daily routine which keeps you motivated.

Losing motivation is nothing to be ashamed of. Most of us want the best possible for ourselves but we can get lost with life. Friends, family and having a job can start to take its toll.

However, there are tactics that you can use to ensure you stay motivated and be the of yourself. Read more to find out how you could be reaching your goals.

Be mindful

Being mindful of your thoughts allows you to reflect on where you are now and where you want to be in the future.

If you feel that there is so much more you could be doing, why not change the way you think? Adapting the way you control your thoughts can impact the outcome of your thoughts.

As thoughts are nothing more than thoughts, it means you have the decision on whether you listen to them, or choose to take control over your day. Whether you are looking to be productive or get things done, actions will speak louder.

Focus on you

Focusing on ourselves allows us to understand what it is that we want. Sometimes we can forget to care for ourselves. Spending time with loved ones and caring is a priority for most. But, do you care for yourself in the same way?

Without focusing on yourself, you may forget how little time you spend to benefit how you feel. Although it is important to spend time with ones we care about, giving ourselves the same amount of attention is also essential.

Whether you are looking to pamper yourself or just improve aspects of yourself as an individual – self worth can help us feel better.

Take time everyday to think about your goals and what it is YOU want. Some actions to take on a daily basis are:

1) Writing down your goals – are you on your way to achieving them?

2) What are you doing that will help you today?

3) Think about how you feel? Are you satisfied with your situation?

4) What could you do differently today to impact yoru future?

Making little changes on a daily basis, is the first step to making a long-term change. Tweaking your attitude can impact your mood such as happiness and this can benefit others around you too.

Review your actions

Its very easy to fall into a routine of working, family and sleep. This continuous routine can lead to feeling down and lacking happiness. Although, this is normal and a regular part of life, we forget to question ourselves. Somethings to think about are:

1) Are you doing what makes you happy?

2) Are you enjoying your moment? What would make you feel better?

3) Are your current actions benefiting you short-term and long-term?

Take the time to think about your actions. Reviewing how they improve your mood, overall well-being and future is a great way to begin to make changes.

When you may begin to doubt yourself, remember that the actions you take will cause the most impact. Instead of overthinking and questioning your thoughts, being progressive and focusing on optimistic outcomes is vital. Constantly remind yourself that:

1) You are capable of achieving anything

2) Acting instead of dreaming will help you to achieve your goals

3) A positive mindset will take you a long way – be strong minded

4) Negativity does not help anyone - so dispose of negative thoughts!

5) Improvements may take time, but with constant work you will get there.

An advantage of changing the way you think for the better is that it will influence others around you. As you begin to feel better about yourself, others will also thrive of your vibe.

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