Mynurva Blog

Three reasons why counselling may be what you need

Written by Mynurva | July 06 2018

When you think about counselling, what comes to mind? Many know what it is. Some have no issues discussing mental health in general.

Some, on the other hand, have a fear of admitting they want to access counselling, or that they may need help.

Counselling is important as it allows you to see any problems you may be experiencing from an outsider’s perspective. Instead of someone providing you with opinionated responses as friends may do, a counsellor will simply listen to what you have to say.

Keep reading to find out why counselling can help you feel better.


An outsider’s insight

Sometimes we may be experiencing problems inour life that we will have difficulty understanding.

Speaking to a therapist or counsellor allows you to speak to someone who will:

1) Not judge you

When you are speaking to a therapist, it is their job to listen to you and try and understand any anxieties or concerns you have.

Sometimes, we may feel that our problems are much bigger than they really are and carrying all those worries and concerns can be quite taxing.

Although many of us may have friends and family to talk to, speaking to them about our problems may not be something we want to do.

Therefore, having someone who is independent of our current friendship groups or life situations, may be able to provide a neutral insight into situations.

2) Keep confidentiality

There are many ways in which you can obtain counselling, and all are a confidential means of speaking to a trained therapist.

3) Improve confidence and decision making

As many of us have likely not received any formal support since being in the education system, having someone to talk to may help us understand our life decisions in general.

It’s normal to be affected by day to day issues atwork or in our home life and this can affect our emotions too. However, a trained therapist will have a clearer understanding of the human brain and be able to look at these issues in a different way.

Many options exist for accessing therapy, for example:


 · Face to face

A traditional way to see a therapist. For those who would rather see someone in person, this would be an ideal therapy session.

· Online
As technology has begun to advance, this is a convenient way to communicate with a therapist whenever and wherever you need to.

· Telephone
A convenient and easy way to talk to someone about any issues or concerns in your life.

Better management of emotions

Counselling can provide you with useful tools that help you understand your emotions more clearly than you are currently able to.

After you speak to someone and they offer reasons for why you feel the way you do, you can understand your emotions, feelings and life decisions better which helps with your future work-life balance and mental wellbeing.

Finding the right therapist for you is important. Speaking to someone is one way in which you can improve the way you feel on a daily basis and gain clarity on how you will see future situations. To find out more about how mynurva therapists could help you get started, visit