Mynurva Blog

6 Self-Care Resolutions To Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet

Written by Mynurva | January 15 2021

New Year, New Me!

Did you start your 2021 with a brand-new list of resolutions in hopes of being a better version of yourself? If so, well done you! As cliché as they are, new year's resolutions can be beneficial, especially with our never-ending list of goals to live a happier and healthier life.

New year resolutions aren't just about changing things like our diet and routines; it should also be about us getting to know ourselves better and taking good care. Only then you will be able to grow and live a happier and healthier life.

To help you get started this new year, we have made a list of self-care resolutions that you should add to your list today!

Actively love yourself

We are often so submerged and occupied with different things in life like work, deadlines, and studies that we forget to look after ourselves. And when we end up feeling tired or run down, we beat ourselves up for not having enough motivation.

Make it your goal to take a break and give yourself at least 1 or 2 hours a day to unwind and recharge. Treat yourself to a relaxing hot bath while listening to your favourite music or write a journal to remind yourself of what went well today. Do things that make you happy, even if they are small things like drinking a warm cup of green tea or watching your favourite tv shows. You deserve it!

Carry out a random act of kindness

Be kind to yourself and those around you, and make it a habit. Set yourself a daily goal to carry out at least one random act of kindness. It doesn't have to be a big gesture either, just small things like buying your colleague a cup of coffee, getting groceries for your neighbour, or even just smiling at a stranger.

Make your sleep a priority

Getting enough sleep is probably the best thing you can do for your mental and physical wellbeing. It will help you restore your energy, and you will feel energised and in a better mood for the day ahead. Try getting at least 8 hours of sleep. To make things easier, set the alarm or better yet, try having a bedtime ritual. Having a set routine/ritual will act as a timer for your body and mind.

Your bedtime ritual doesn't have to be a complicated list of things. It can be simply just changing into your pajamas or reading a chapter of a good book. You can also try 10-15 minutes of meditation or yoga to help you relax.

Set yourself a good morning ritual and stick with it

After a good night's sleep, it's important that you start your morning right. How you start your morning will set the tone for the rest of the day so, make sure you wake up on time and give yourself plenty of time to get ready for the day ahead.

Have a set morning routine that works well for you, whether that be going on a morning run followed by a hearty breakfast, or a simple stretch and a quick talk about your plans with your partner.

Take a break from your electronics every day

There is a lot of information you get exposed to through your electronics- social media and news are some examples. Your brain becomes crowded with too much information, leading to you feeling stressed out and anxious.

Turn off your phones and other electronics and give yourself a break from the noisy and busy world. Instead, listen to relaxing music or read a good book.

Practice gratitude every day

What better way to start a day than with reminders about all the positive things happening in your life?

Practising gratitude is a great way to deter ourselves away from our negative thoughts and focus on good things in life. People who practice gratitude experience several benefits such as better sleep, mood lift, good health, and a generally positive attitude towards life. And it is such a simple thing to do, all you need is a pen and paper!

New year is a great time to start fresh. Make 2021 your best year yet by making YOU your top priority.

So, what's in your new year's resolution? Why not tell us about it by leaving a comment on our Facebook page, or if you found this article helpful, why not give it a like or share it.